ACCESS There are NO MASTER KEYS to the units of The Forum Condominium. All occupants must provide access to their units in the event of any emergency. The unit owner will be held responsible for the cost of repairing and damage caused if it is necessary to break down the door of a unit in the event of an emergency. In order to provide for access in such emergencies, the following keying system has been established the following procedures are in place: Each unit owner shall provide Management with a working key for each lock on the entry door to the unit. These keys will be used for access only in emergencies where life or property is threatened. For the protection of the unit owner, they are not available to admit Management personnel (except in emergency), tradesmen, guests or residents who have been locked out. The keys are coded and locked. Only the Property Manager and specifically designated personnel have access to these keys. For non-emergency purposes, an owner or residents may provide an additional “convenience key” which will be kept at the Front Desk, to be used only with the owner’s or resident’s prior written authorization. Any person wishing to provide such a convenience key must release The Forum Council of Co-Owners and Management from any liability arising out of the use of the convenience key. Any owner wishing to allow access to his/her unit must give prior written authorization for use of the convenience key and must agree to indemnify and release the Council and The Forum staff from any liability in connection with the use of the key. ASSESSMENT COLLECTION (See Resolution 2010-1 for full Assessment Policy)
(See Resolution 2010-1 for full Assessment Policy)
All bicycles must be registered with the Property Manager. A bicycle storage area is available; all bikes must be tagged with the owner’s name and apartment number. Any unidentified bike will be discarded.
CONDUCT in Lobby and Other Public Areas A. No bikes, wagons, shopping carts, baby strollers, or other wheeled vehicles shall be rolled up and down the lobby steps through the front entrance. B. Smoking is prohibited in the common areas in compliance with Montgomery County Code Sec. 24-9. C. Proper attire is required in the lobby and other public areas. Shoes must be worn at all times. D. Coverings shall be worn over bathing attire outside the pool area. E. No food or drink shall be consumed in the lobby or elevators. No open containers may be carried in the hallways, elevators, or lobby. F. No persons shall play in the lobby, or use the lobby or halls as recreational areas. G. No unlawful, or offensive activity shall be carried on in any unit or in the common elements. No noxious or offensive activity shall be permitted in the common areas or in any unit nor shall anything be done in the common areas or in any unit which may be or become a violation of any health, fire or other law, rule or regulation, nor shall any use be made of any unit or the common areas that causes a nuisance or unreasonable annoyance by reason of noise, odor, smoke, pest infestation or otherwise. Nothing shall be done or kept in any unit which poses a hazard to health or safety, or which may in any way increase the rate of insurance on the building. No use shall be made of the common areas or any unit that unreasonably disturbs or interferes with the rights of residents. Each resident shall be responsible for maintaining his/her unit in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. In order to ensure compliance with this requirement, Management and its agents, employees and contractors may enter any unit at any reasonable hour of the day, after reasonable notice, for the purposes of inspecting the unit and for the purpose of taking such measures as may be necessary to abate any health or safety hazards and to control or exterminate vermin, insects or other pests. H. From 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM no owner, renter, or guest of a unit shall operate or play any television, stereo, sound reproduction equipment, or musical instrument at a sound level which disturbs other residents.
This facility is for the use of Forum residents and their guests only. The key to the room must be signed out at the Front Desk by the resident and returned promptly after use. All users must sign a liability waiver as provided by the Forum. No person under 18 years of age will be permitted to use the exercise room.
For the comfort of neighbors and to reduce transmission of sound between floors, sufficient carpeting or rugs and padding shall be maintained on unit floors. If wood flooring is to be installed it must be approved by the management office after examining the manufacturer’s soundproofing warranty.
Nothing shall be done or kept in any unit or in the common elements, which would increase the rate of insurance for the Property, or any part thereof. No unit owner shall permit anything to be done or kept in the unit or in the common elements which will result in the cancellation of insurance on the Property or that thereof or which would be in violation of any law, regulation, or administrative ruling. Hover boards are prohibited on The Forum property.
The Forum has a rules enforcement procedure (Administrative Procedure No. 1).
LAUNDRY ROOMS The laundry rooms are for the use of residents only. A large capacity washer and dryer are located on the first floor past the ice and vending machines. Laundry cards can be purchased in the 1st floor laundry room. A. Clothes should be removed from the washers and dryers as soon as the cycles are completed so that the next resident may use the appliances. B. Lint traps must be cleaned after each use. C. Oily materials, heavy mats and rugs, and items with rubber backing must not be used in the washers and dryers. D. In accordance with the Montgomery County Fire Code, the door from the laundry room to the trash room must remain closed at all times.
All owners who lease their units and their tenants are required to sign a lease addendum which, among other things, requires that, if at any time during the lease the Landlord becomes delinquent in the payment of any amounts due to the Council the Council, at its option collect rent directly from the Tenant in order to satisfy payment of all such amounts owed by the unit owner.
PARTY ROOM RULES A. All party room reservations shall be made through the Front Desk. B. A refundable deposit of $100 and a payment of $75 must accompany the request for reservation. A party date cannot be confirmed without the completed reservation form and deposits. C. The Fire Code limits occupancy of the room to 49 people. D. The party room may not be used for any type of gambling, fund raising, or commercial purpose. E. The resident making the reservation must be present in the party room at all times while the party room is in use. No person under the age of 21 will be allowed to reserve the party room. Nonresident owners may not reserve the party room. F. Only blue removable tape may be used to hang decorations. The use of “scotch” or other tape or tacks on the walls, mirrors or pictures is prohibited. G. No live flame accessories or appointments are permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, candles, torches, serving dishes, or chafing implements. H. Guests may not congregate in the lobby or go elsewhere in the building unless escorted by a resident. I. Conversation, music, and TV volume must be kept to a level that will not be heard outside the room after 11:00 p.m. on weekdays and after midnight on weekends in consideration of other residents’ comfort. The door must be kept closed to reduce sound transmission. J. The resident making a party room reservation assumes full responsibility for any and all damage caused during the function and shall reimburse the Council of Co Owners for the cost of repairing such damage and for the cost of extra cleaning that may be necessary. K. Functions must end by 1:00 AM. L. An inspection of the party room on the morning after its use will be made by Management to determine if the room has been left clean without damage. If so, the deposit will be refunded. If not, the deposit will be forfeited and that resident may not again be allowed to reserve the room, at the discretion of the Property Manager. Cleaning must be completed before 12:00 noon or earlier if specified by Management.
PET POLICY A. All pets must be registered with Management and licensed through Montgomery County. Applications for Montgomery County pet licenses can be found by calling 240-773-5946 or 311 or by visiting montgomerycountymd.gov. B. All owners of dogs and cats must provide the Management Office with documentation of required immunization filed at the Management office, along with a photo of the pet(s). C. There is a one-time fee of $150 for each dog, payable at the time of pet registration. D. Each pet must be under the full control of its owner and must be leashed or carried when in the common elements interior to the building (i.e. hallways, elevators, lobby, stairways, garages, recreation or laundry areas) and must be leashed and under the full control of its owner when on the building’s exterior grounds. E. Only the rear service door may be used for exit and entrance of pets. The exit and entry to the Doctor’s offices may not be used by pets. F. All new pets are restricted in size to 25 lbs. and under when fully grown. G. Only one dog per unit is permitted. Only two cats per unit are permitted. H. Dogs shall not be allowed to void or defecate in the areas directly adjacent to the building, front or rear. All dog walkers are required to remove and properly dispose of their pet’s waste. I. If any pet urinates or defecates within the interior common areas of the building, the owner must clean up after the pet and notify the Front Desk if more extensive cleaning is required. The costs of any additional cleaning will be charged to the owner. J. Kitty litter must be placed in plastic bags, securely tied, and deposited down the trash chute. Kitty litter must never be flushed down the toilet. K. Pet owners are, at all times, totally responsible for their pets. A pet owner shall indemnify the Forum and hold it harmless against any injury, loss or liability of any kind arising from or resulting from the presence of any animal which they own or which is owned by a their guest when on The Forum Condominium property. The Board of Directors may require any pet that presents an unreasonable danger to residents or other pets to be permanently removed from the building. L. Dogs of guests visiting the building are permitted but limited in size to 25 pounds or less. M. Guest dog stays are limited to one week.
PICNIC AREAS A picnic area is located directly behind the tennis court. This area is equipped with outdoor barbeque grills and picnic tables with attached benches. There are larger barbeque grills in an enclosed area near the pool (Barbeque Area). Advanced reservation for picnic use may be made at the Front Desk. Users are responsible for removing their debris and leaving the picnic area as they found it. The Front Desk will provide instructions on how to properly operate the grills in the picnic area to prevent damage. BARBEQUE AREA (attached to the Pool Club House, fenced in, and locked). To gain access and usage of this area: • The resident making a Barbeque area reservation assumes full responsibility for any and all damage caused during the function and shall reimburse the Council of Co-Owners for the cost of repairing such damage and for the cost of extra cleaning that may be necessary. • A refundable deposit of $50 must accompany the request for reservation. The requested date cannot be confirmed without the completed reservation form and deposit. • An inspection of the Barbeque area on the morning after its use will be made by Management to determine if the area has been left clean without damage. If so, the deposit will be refunded. If not, the deposit will be forfeited and that resident may not again be allowed to reserve the Barbeque area, at the discretion of the Property Manager. Cleaning must be completed before 12:00 noon or earlier if specified by Management. • All Barbeque area reservations shall be made through the Front Desk. • The Fire Code limits occupancy of the Barbeque area to 22 people. • The resident making the reservation must be present in the Barbeque area at all times while the area is in use. No person under the age of 21 will be allowed to reserve the Barbeque area. Nonresident owners may not reserve the Barbeque area.
There are twelve parking spaces marked for use by people visiting the doctors’ offices. They are not to be used by residents or their guests during office hours (Mon-Fri 8 AM to 6 PM and Sat 8 AM to 1 PM).
RENTAL INSURANCE A. Every tenant occupying a unit in the Condominium shall obtain and maintain renter’s insurance providing, as a minimum, general liability insurance against all claims actions or demands relating to occurrences within the unit, the tenant’s use or occupancy of the unit, the condition of the unit, or any act or omission by the tenant, or the tenant’s, family, contractors, agents, employees, visitors, invitees or licensees. B. Such insurance shall afford protection to the limit of not less than $300,000 with respect to bodily or personal injury, death, and/or property damage. C. All such policies shall be issued in a form reasonably acceptable to the Council, and only by insurance companies which are licensed or qualified and authorized to do business in the state of Maryland. D. Neither the issuance of an insurance policy required by this rule, nor the minimum coverage limit specified by this rule, shall be deemed to limit or restrict in any way the liability of the tenant or owner of the unit. E. The insurance policy required by this rule shall be obtained and provided to the Council before the beginning of the Tenant’s occupancy of the unit and shall be maintained in effect for the entire period of the Tenant’s occupancy of the unit.
All owners who rent their units in the Forum are required provide a copy of the Montgomery County Rental License to the condominium’s management office.
REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE Requests for authorized repairs, maintenance, or service shall be received at the Front Desk, either in person or by telephone. A table of services and fees can be found on pages 17-18 of this booklet. There are only three (3) authorized repair and maintenance items provided at no cost by The Forum Council of Co-Owners: • Replacement of washers and washer seats in dripping faucets. • Replacement of filters in convectors is scheduled twice yearly. • Sink or commode stoppages. All other repairs are the sole responsibility of each owner, who must arrange for the appropriate service. A Maintenance-for-fee Program is in effect for some in-house repairs. Such repairs are done on a time available basis by in-house staff. Requests for repairs should be arranged through the Front Desk. See Appendix X for a comprehensive list of such repairs. Forum employees are not permitted to do any independent work for residents during normal business hours. If such work is undertaken after regular hours the employee must be independently insured as the Forum will not assume any responsibility. Likewise, the Forum has no responsibility or liability in connection with any work done independently by a Forum employee, or in connection with any damage or injury occurring in connection with such work. Forum employees doing independent work for residents must furnish their own tools and materials.
STORAGE ROOM A. The key to the storage area will be accessible from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 7 day/week. The key can be obtained from the front desk. B. In advance of putting any items in the room, the Management Office must be contacted by phone or email to schedule a time to tag the items to be stored. Each item stored must be tagged with the name and unit number of the owner and the date the item was placed in storage. C. Only resident owners will be permitted to store items in the room. D. The quantity of items that can be stored by the owner of a unit may not exceed the volume used by the owner currently occupying the most space. Management staff will determine volume. E. No bicycles can be stored in the room. F. When the storage room is a capacity Management will notify owners, and no additional items will be permitted in the storage room until space is available. G. All personal property placed in the storage room shall be stored at the sole risk of the resident unit owner. The Forum Condominium Council Co-Owners shall have no liability for any stored items that may be lost, stolen or damaged. H. Under no circumstances may unsanitary, hazardous, explosive or flammable materials be stored. I. No furniture, mirrors, plate glass, or tires are permitted. J. No loose items will be permitted, such as breakables, toys, lamps etc.
SWIMMING POOL The pool usually opens Memorial Day weekend and closes after the Labor Day weekend. It may remain open past Labor Day weekend with Board approval. Pool hours are determined by the Forum Board of Directors with concurrence of management and the pool contractor. The pool may be closed at any time at the discretion of management because of operational issues or inclement weather. Each person who receives a pool pass must sign an agreement assuming all responsibility for injury or property damage that occurs in connection with their and their guests’ use of the pool and pool area. Management does not assume responsibility for any accident or injury in connection with such use. The resident agrees to make no claim against the Council of Co-Owners or the Condominium’s Management Company for loss of life, limb, or property, or for injury or property damage. The head lifeguard is responsible for the strict enforcement of the pool rules and has authorization to temporarily bar any pool user from the pool facility. Should this occur, a report is to be filed with the management within 24 hours. Residents are limited to 4 guests per day per unit. The following rules are for the protection and benefit of all pool users to ensure the safe and sanitary operation of the pool facilities. • All residents using the pool must register with the front desk to receive their pool passes and guest cards. • Each person using the pool must sign in (resident adults will sign in for guests and young children). • No person shall use the pool unless the pool is open and a lifeguard is on duty. • All incontinent persons, including infants in diapers, must wear waterproof pants or waterproof diapers made for pool use, whether in the adult or baby pool. • Children under eight (8) years of age will not be permitted in the pool area unless accompanied by a supervising adult. • No pets are allowed in the pool area. • Glass containers are prohibited in the pool area. • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the pool area. • Parents are responsible for ensuring that all pool rules are obeyed by their children and guests. • Loud radios, boom boxes etc. are not allowed in the pool area.
TENNIS COURT A. The tennis court is not suitable for competitive play. B. Only residents (those whose names appear on The Forum Condominium roster) may sign up to use the court. All persons using the court must sign an agreement to assume responsibility for any injury or property damage, which occurs in connection with the use of the court. Management does not assume responsibility or liability for any accident or injury in connection with such use. C. For the use of the court, reservations must be made in person at the Front Desk. Reservations are limited to one hour for singles, and one and a half hours for doubles if others are waiting to use the court; Reservations may be made by telephone. Sign-up procedures are available at the Front Desk. D. Tennis attire: Tennis shoes and proper attire, including a shirt, must be worn at all times. No bare feet or street shoes are permitted. E. After play, the court must be locked and the key must be returned to the Front Desk. F. All trash shall be placed in the trash receptacle before leaving the court.
TRASH AND RECYCLING A. Non-recyclable trash must be placed in a tightly fastened plastic garbage bag and deposited in the trash chute. Diapers and kitty litter must be placed in plastic bags, securely tied and deposited down the trash chute. B. Oversized trash must not be put into the trash chute as it can cause a blockage. If there are questions concerning disposal of oversized trash, contact the property manager or the front desk for assistance. C. Food containers must be rinsed clean of food. D. Participation is required in the Montgomery County Recycling Program. Recycling must be placed in the appropriately labeled bins in the trash room.
The plumbing at The Forum is not equipped to accommodate washing machines in individual units. Therefore, no in-unit washers or dryers (including replacements) are permitted, and none have been permitted since 1985.
Waterbeds are prohibited.
All residents are required to have white or off-white drapes, curtains, shades, or blinds, (or a white lining facing the outside of the building). No resident shall be permitted to hang bed sheets, blankets, cardboard, papers, or other materials in lieu of curtains, blinds, or drapes.